Taavi's Canine Plushies

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Pronouns he/him
Breed English Springer Spaniel
Brand Douglas
Acquired Instagram
Cost $20
Gotcha Day July 14, 2023

Martin is a stuffed animal dog from the brand Douglas. He is the Ogilvy the English Springer Spaniel Dog Plush. He is NOT for sale.


Martin is a medium sized dog plush in a standing position. His long fur is white, with brown splotches all over. His ears are floppy, and his tail is short and stubby. He has golden brown eyes and a brown nose.


This plushie reminded me of Martin Blackwood from the podcast The Magnus Archives, so of course I had to name him Martin.

I think the name suits him!


Martin is nervous and often underestimated. He is very practical and always prepares for things. Martin loves tea, and can frequently be seen drinking it. He also is sensitive and easily hurt.


  • N/A
