Taavi's Canine Plushies

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Pronouns he/him
Breed Border Collie
Brand Douglas
Acquired Instagram
Cost $20
Gotcha Day July 14, 2023

Jon is a stuffed animal dog from the brand Douglas. He is the Chase the Border Collie Dog Plush. He is NOT for sale.


Jon is a medium sized dog plush in a standing position. His long fur is white, with black covering his head and back end. There is white on his tail tip and hind paws, along with on his muzzle and in between his eyes. His ears flop over at the top, and his tail is long. He has golden brown eyes and a black nose.


This plushie reminded me of Jonathan Sims from the podcast The Magnus Archives, so of course I had to name him Jon.

I think the name suits him!


Jon is anxious and paranoid, but he covers it up by being dismissive and rude. He panics easily, but will push past his fear to do what he believes is right. He cares a lot for his loved ones, however he is embarrassed to show it.


  • N/A
